الأربعاء، 12 أبريل 2017


*14 Rajab 1438*
*12 April 2017*
*Wednesday يوم الأربعاء*

Abu Muslim narrates, “I went to see Abu Umaamah رضي الله عنه  while he was in the Masjid. I asked him if he had really heard Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم  saying,

‘When a person performs wudhu thoroughly, washing his hands and face and making Masah of his head and ears, and then performs his Fardh Salaat; Allah forgives him all the sins committed that day by his feet in going towards evil, by his hands in doing evil, by his ears in listening to evil, by his eyes in looking at evil and by his heart in thinking of evil.’

He replied, ‘By Allah, I have heard these words from Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم more times than I can count.’”  *(Musnad Ahmad)*

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