السبت، 22 أبريل 2017


A man was crying and someone asked him why he was crying. And he said I have only one son, I have done all my possible best to educate him so that he will be a great person and by Allah  grace he has been able to acquire all certificates including:
🌺 J.C.E
🌺 s.S.C.E
🌺 Bachelor's
🌺 MSc
🌺 Phd 
Unfortunately he fell sick and doctors said they can't do anything about it and the only option is to die in the next 30 minutes and my son told me to bring all his certificates and I brought them. All he could say was; father, these are my degrees but you never told me to study my Qur'an. I don't know what I'm going to tell Allah.
None of us will share this message because it is not an interesting joke. But if you are courageous enough to share this message please do so and Allah  will never forget what you have. 
🌹Study the Qur'an like the way you study your notes when it is exams time
🌹Fear Allah like the way you fear death or people in higher authority
🌹Remember Allah  like you remember your name
🌹Pray like it is the only thing to do to go to heaven 
🌹Fast on regular basis
🌹Have time for Allah
🌹Be the doer of the Word
70% will not forward this message but I hope you will.. Send this to all Muslims on your contact list. May Almighty Allah reward you abundantly as you share this message..👏🏾

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