الخميس، 13 أبريل 2017



*10. Make sure at every point in time you are reading a book. If you spend 20 minutes reading daily, for 52 weeks you would have consumed 1,000,000 words.*

_11.Stay away from television as much as possible. You can watch educational channels. Men with big TV sit in front of them to watch men with big library._

*12. Put control over your mouth, never say evil of any man, what you are not certain of should not be said. Say good of all men.*

_13. Always show appreciation for any good deed you received._

*14. Always help someone in need.*

_15. Live a debt free life. What you can’t pay cash for is not your size._

*16. Give out loans that you can part with as gift, so that you don’t destroy your business and relationship.*

_17. Create legitimate multiple sources of income._

*18. Save at least 10 percent of your income.*

_19. Invest a portion of your income. And be patient to see it grow. If what you have in your hands is not good to be called a harvest then it’s a seed, sow it._

*20. Keep a good financial record of all income and expenses, so you won’t ask later “where did my money go”*


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