الثلاثاء، 18 أبريل 2017


[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: _*Give So Much time to improve yourself That You have no time to Criticise Others"*_

*أعطي زمناً كثيرا جداً  لتطوير ذاتك حتى لا تجد وقت لإنتقاد الآخرين*
[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: _*"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."*_


*دئما يأتي النجاح لؤلئك المشغولون جداً بالبحث عنه*
[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: _*Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."*_


*أكثر حالات الفشل في الحياة هم أناس لم يدركوا مدى قربهم من النجاح عند ما إستسلموا*
[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: _*Adversity happens to everyone and it is not an excuse for abandoning our dreams.*_

*الشدة تحصل لكل شخص و هي ليست مبرر للتخلي عن أحلامنا*
[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: ✒Speeches ✒

*Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world; choose the one who makes your world beautiful.*

[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: An idiom📖:

*Armed to the teeth*➡

Its meaning is:
-Fully armed, having many weapons.

Example 📝:
1)The robbers were armed to the teeth when they robbed the bank.

​​​​​​​​PRINCE WITHOUT PRINCEDOM​​​​​​​​​​​​
[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: *Do not talk if you dont have any good thing to say.*

[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: Before you marry keep both eyes👀 open; after
marriage keep one eye shut.
إجعل كلا عينيك مفتوحة قبل الزواج. بعد الزواج أغلق واحدة
# ركز في إختيار الزوجة و غض الطرف عن أخطائها#
[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:١٨ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: ✒Feelings ✒

*Love: The triumph of imagination over intelligence.*


*Love: Two minds without a single thought!!*


*Love doesn’t make the world go round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.*


*Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.*


*Love is like a war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.*


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