السبت، 22 أبريل 2017

Today's Topic #no

*♨️ Today's Topic  ♨️*

              👎 No 👊

used to give a negative reply to a question, offer, or request OPP  yes

🔸no-no noun [singular] informal 
something that you must not do because it is considered to be unacceptable behaviour
🔸 no-win adjective [only before noun] 
relating to a situation in which whatever you choose to do it will have a bad result
🔸 no way adverb spoken 
used to emphasize that you will not agree or be able to do something
🔸 no-fault adjective [only before noun]
a no-fault divorce is one in which both people agree not to be married any longer and do not have to say whose fault this is
🔸no-mark, noun [countable] British English  
someone who is not successful and who you have no respect for
🔸no-show noun [countable] 
someone who does not arrive or appear somewhere they were expected to be, for example at a restaurant or a meeting
🔸 no-account (also no-count) adjective [only before noun] American English 
a no-account person does not achieve very much because they are so lazy
🔸 no-nonsense adjective [only before noun] 
very practical and direct, without wasting time on unnecessary things SYN  down-to-earth
🔸 no-go area noun [countable] 
1 an area that people should not go to because it is very dangerous
2 a subject that cannot be discussed because it is private or because it may offend people
🔸won’t take no for an answer: if someone won’t take no for an answer, they are determined that you should agree to do something

*Ways to say No*
1. no
2. uh-uh
3. nix
4. nixie / nixy / nixey
5. nope
6. nay
7. nah
8. no way
9. no way, José
10. negative
11. veto
12. out of the question
13. no siree
14. for foul nor fair
15. not on your life
16. not on your Nelly
17. not on your tintype
18. not for all the tea in China
19. not in a million years
20. under no circumstances
21. not likely
22. not for Joe
23. thumbs down
24. pigs might fly (when pigs fly)
25. not a cat (in hell)’s chance
26. fat chance
27. catch me!
28. no fear
29. go fish

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