الأربعاء، 19 أبريل 2017


[١٧/‏٤ ٦:٣٨ م] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: #quote
"An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep." - African Proverb
[١٧/‏٤ ٦:٣٨ م] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: #wordofthe day
✅ (noun; plural:essurplusses)
ℹ️ That which remains when use or need is satisfied, or when a limit is reached; excess; overplus.
▶️ Every year we produce a huge surplus of meat.
[١٧/‏٤ ٦:٣٨ م] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: #wordoftheday
✅ (noun)
ℹ️ a small flower, or the small flowers on a tree or plant
▶️ Cherry blossom
✳️ This word is also used as a verb; if a tree blossoms, it produces flowers.
[١٧/‏٤ ٦:٣٨ م] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: #wordoftheday
✅ (noun)
ℹ️ A piece of cloth, usually square and often fine and elegant, carried for wiping the face or hands.
[١٧/‏٤ ٦:٣٨ م] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: #wordoftheweek
✅ (noun)
ℹ️ The science of health, its promotion and preservation.
▶️ The modern system of hygiene is in great part founded upon Decent pathology.
[١٧/‏٤ ٦:٣٨ م] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: *Education*

*In the world*  Progress and development of nations measured by education . *also* when you want to know the progress of a nation look at its interesting in education.

      *In religion*   there is a call to education and the first word came to our Prophet *Muhammad peace be upon him* from Quran was (igra'a).

    *In the planning*   The right education is to createe the next generation that makes the bright future.

     *In Singapore*   when they wanted to change for the better, they left everything, money, industry, trade, etc., and went to the development of education, *as a result*  ,  they became *the world's top* in science, health, security and Economy.

   *in the future* When we give education its right, we will be able to create a generation capable of leading us to the first grade of the world

[١٨/‏٤ ٣:٢٣ ص] ‪+966 50 270 7701‬: اول اغنيه يمنيه تترجم الى الهنديه:

Tobacco tobacco tobacco yea,yea,yea tobacco tobacco
All of them chewing gat;I am wearing the old and you wearing the new yea yea tobacco tobacco your father is Hamed my father is bomb
[١٨/‏٤ ٣:٢٤ ص] ‪+966 50 270 7701‬: اول اغنيه يمنيه تترجم الى الهنديه:

Tombake tombake tobacco yea,yea,yea tobacco tomake
All of them chewing gat;I am wearing the old and you wearing the new yea yea tobacco tobacco your father is Hamed my father is bomb
[١٨/‏٤ ١:٤٨ م] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: *20 Rajab 1438*
*18 April 2017*
*Tuesday يوم الثلاثاء*

Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه narrates:

Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"A Muslim has five rights over another Muslim:

1) Replying to his greeting.

2) Visiting him when he is ill.

3) Attending his Funeral.

4) Accepting a (Halaal) invitation.

5) Saying *'Yarhamuk-Allah'* _(May Allah have mercy on you)_ to him when he sneezes. 

_Another hadith has an addition:_

6) When he seeks your advice, Advise him.

*(Bukhari, Muslim)*

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