الخميس، 13 أبريل 2017


*📚Used to*

*I used to do something*.

We use this structure to talk about something or an event which happened in the past but no longer happens.

👉I used to eat fatty foods.

🔴 *Used to + infinitive is always past*. There's no present.
You can't say 'I use to do' for present, use the present simple(I do)

Past👉He used to smoke
Present 👉He smokes

*I am used to something* = it's not strange or new for me.
Notice that *To*  in *be used to* is a preposition, not a part of the infinitive. So, what follows it is a noun or a gerund (verb+ing)

👉I am used to cold weather.

🔴The structures and meanings are different  

*Compare those two examples :*

👉I am used to living alone. It means that I don't find it strange or new for me to live alone because I've been living alone for some time.

👉I used to live alone ( I lived alone  but I no longer live alone .)

*_​All the best;​_*
*​Amjad Tamish​*

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