الثلاثاء، 18 أبريل 2017

عربي انجليزي

[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:٣٢ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: الفريق الذي يعمل بدون تنسيق:
- الابن اشترى بنطال
- البنطال كان طويل ب4سم.
-طلب الابن من امه ان تقصر 4سم  فقالت انها مشغوله ،ذهب الى اخته الكبيرة و طلب منها ان تقصر البنطال 4سم فاعتذرة لأنها تجهز الغداء ،
-ذهب الى محل الخياطة فقصرة،وعاد الى المنزل و وضعه  في دولابه.
-الام حن قلبها وذهبت الى غرفت الابن و اخرجت البنطال و قصرته 4سم و اعادته الى الدولاب! .
-الاخت الكبيرة اكملت تجهيز الغداء و ذهبت الى غرفت اخيها وقصرت البنطال 4سم و اعادته!
-في الصباح بكر الولد و هو مبتهج ببنطاله يريد ان يلبسه ليري زملائه!
و اذا به يتفاجأ بأن بنطاله اصبح قصيرا ب 8سم !!!.
ضعف التنسيق يؤدي الى فشل كبير رغم التضحيات الكبيرة .

*When the team lacks  coordinating among the members*

The son bought a new pants. It was 4cm longer than him. He went to his mum to make it 4cm shorter. She said that she was bussy, he went to his elder sister but she execused that she ought to prepare the lunch. So, he went to the tailor and cut it then came back home and put it back in the closet. Mum sympathised to her son, she went to his room take the pants out and cut it 4cm shorter and put it back in the closet. The elder sister finished her cooking and went to her brother's room take out thr pants and cut it 4cm shorter then returned it to its place.
In the morning the cheerful son wanted to wear the new pants and brag in front of his mates but he was shocked to find it 8cm shorter.

*Lack of coordination within the team members leads to great loss whatever sacrifices they make*
[١٨/‏٤ ١٠:٣٢ ص] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: All Idioms related to WEATHER

1. As right as rain: to feel fine and healthy.
Don’t worry about me, I’m as right as rain after my knee operation.

2. Be a breeze: to be very easy to do.
Our English exam was a breeze. I’m sure I’ll get top marks.

3. Be snowed under: to have so much to do that you are having trouble doing it all.
I’m snowed under at work right now because two of my colleagues are on holiday.

4. Break the ice: to say or do something to make someone feel relaxed or at ease in a social setting.
He offered to get her a drink to help break the ice.

5. Calm before the storm: the quiet, peaceful period before a moment of great activity or mayhem.
The in-laws were about to arrive with their kids so she sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee enjoying the calm before the storm.

6. Chase rainbows: when someone tries to do something that they will not achieve
I think she’s chasing rainbows if she thinks she can get into Oxford with her bad grades.

7. Come rain or shine: you can depend on someone to be there no matter what or whatever the weather.
I’ll be there to help you move house come rain or shine.

8. Every cloud has a silver lining: There is always something positive to come out of an unpleasant or difficult situation.
I got laid off from work yesterday, but every cloud has a silver lining and now I can spend more time writing my book.

9. Fair-weather friend: a person who is only your friend during good times or when things are going well for you but disappears when things become difficult or you have problems.
She was a fair-weather friend because she was interested in me once I had lost my job.

10. Get wind of: to learn or hear of something that should be a secret.
He got wind of the closure of the company so started looking for a new job immediately.

11. Have your head in the clouds: to be out of touch of reality. Your ideas may not be sensible or practical.
He has his head in the clouds if he seriously thinks he’s going to get a promotion soon.

12. It never rains but it pours: when things don’t just go wrong but very wrong and other bad things happen too.
First he lost his keys to the house, then his wallet and then his car broke down. It never rains but it pours.

13. It’s raining cats and dogs: it’s raining very hard.
Take you umbrella and a jacket because it’s raining cats and dogs outside.

14. On cloud nine: to be extremely happy.
They were both on cloud nine during their honeymoon.

15. Put on ice: to postpone for another day.
The project has been put on ice until our boss decides what to do next.

16. Ray of hope: there is a chance that something positive will happen.
There is a ray of hope after all, it looks like we won’t be losing our jobs.

17. Save for a rainy day: to save for the future when it might suddenly be needed (unexpectedly).
Don’t spend your entire wage in one night. You should save for a rainy day.

18. Steal my thunder: when someone takes attention away from someone else.
Don’t wear that dress to the wedding; the bride won’t like it because you’ll be stealing her thunder.

19. Storm in a teacup: when someone makes a small problem larger than it really is.
Those two are always arguing about something, it’s just a storm in a teacup.

20. Storm is brewing: indication that something is about to become bad or explode
You could tell by the looks on their faces that a storm was brewing.

21. Take a rain check: decline something now but offer to do it at a later date.
Thanks for inviting me to dinner but I can’t this week. Can I take a rain check on that?

22. Throw caution to the wind: to go crazy and forget all responsibilities or commitments.
They threw caution to the wind and quit their jobs in the heat of the moment.

23. Under the weather: you are not feeling well
Paul isn’t coming with us because he feels a little under the weather.                                          🌤⛅🌥🌦🌈☁🌧⛈🌨🌩❄
[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠١ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: 🔥 لا يوجد كلمة في اللغة الإنجليزية تحتوي على الحرف Q

إلا و تبعـه الحرف U 🔥

*بإستثناء أسماء الناس والدول والشركات وهكذا*

#أمثلة :

1⃣ Quit
2⃣ Quite
3⃣ Quiet

4⃣ Queen
5⃣ Quick
6⃣ Question

7⃣ Mosque
8⃣ Unique
9⃣ Equal
🔟 Earthquake
[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠٢ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: عبارات تستخدم عادة للأمنيات:-

Get well soon 
سلامات/اتمنى لك الشفاءالعاجل

Have a good trip.
رحلة موفقة
[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠٢ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: Essay writing made simple: Write 3,000 words a day with these 5 simple tips.

Order an outline of your assignment (you can order just 500 words for a 3000 word assignment).

Sometimes a push in the right direction is all you need to get the ball rolling. A professional opinion on how you should outline your work is a perfect way to get started on an assignment. An outline will even help you find the right books in the library!

Read your outline thoroughly; go for a short walk to let it sink in.

The best thing about an outline is that it will give you direction but will also provide you a framework in which you can apply your own knowledge. Taking a short walk after reading your outline gives you time to clear your head and begin to contemplate how you might fit all that specific lecture and seminar based knowledge into your assignment.

Come back to it, visit sources that were provided to get improve knowledge.

Before you sit down to write the work, take a look at the key sources as suggested in the outline.  Our writers have identified the most important sources in your subject area to save you the time, hassle and worry of wondering whether you have the right source material. Familiarise yourself with these sources and you’ll have a brilliant head start on your peers.

Put everything aside and start writing your work. Create a structure.

Create a structure for your essay. Make sure that you understand what the key points you want to make are and where you want to make them.  Once you have the points down on the page, just write! Write down as much as possible for each and every point you have made, don’t worry about the word count because that comes next.

Edit, edit, edit.

You have surprised yourself by how quickly you have managed to write your essay, that’s brilliant! The problem is now that you have 4,000 words for a 3,000 word assignment. The good thing is that editing is easy, just make sure you always have your structure in mind and that the information you are choosing to keep is directly related to the original question!

Most people believe that writing the main body of the essay is the part which takes longest when completing an assignment, we disagree. Getting started in the right place is essential; once you know where to begin an essay the writing takes no time at all! Good luck with your deadlines!

Our services are to be used for research and reference purposes only: http://www.ivoryresearch.com/
[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠٥ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: *don't hate all roses if you got hurt by one thorn*

don't lose faith in *Allah* if one prayer wasn't answered;

don't give up all your dreams if one didn't come true;

*Put your trust in Allah*; Allah loves those who put their trust in him.

*Blessed Friday*
[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠٥ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

Definite Article - "the"

💥You use "the" when you know that the listener knows or can work out what particular person or thing you are talking about.
💥We use "the" when we are talking about a specific person or thing, or if there is only one, or if it is clear which one we are talking about.
💥💥You should also use "the" when you have already mentioned the thing you are talking about.
💥We use "the" to talk about geographical points on the globe.
💥We use "the" with plural names of people and places.
💥We normally use "the" with buildings.
For Example: The White House, The Hilton Hotel.
💥With school, university, prison, hospital, church, work and home
💥We use "the" when we are talking about a particular or specific item, and no article when we are talking about the idea of school, university, prison, hospital, church, work and home.
💥We use an article before the names of countries where they indicate multiple areas or contain nouns. State(s), kingdom, republic and union are nouns, so they need an article.
💥💥For Example: Use "the" - the UK (United Kingdom), the USA (United States of America)
💥💥For Example: Use "the" for multiple areas - the Netherlands, the Philippines, the British Isles.
💥We use "the" with oceans, seas, rivers and canals.
💥We use "the" with directions: north, south, east and west to talk about the location of a place within another place, but no article is used to compare the location of two places.
[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠٥ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: 🔴Let’s = let us: Let’s get coffee! ☕
🔴Lets = allows: He lets us play games.
🔴Lest = in case: Ali brought a book lest his flight be delayed.

[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠٦ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: *_LAZY_*

[١٨/‏٤ ٢:٠٨ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: ايش الفرق بين very و too ؟ 🤔

1️⃣ الأولى : very غالبا للشيء الايجابي لمّا توصفه وتأتي بشكل سلبي ولكن ليست أسوء من استخدام too

2️⃣ الثانية : too دايما للشيء السلبي.

ناخذ شوية جمل ونفهم 👇

🔻 لاحظ هنا باستخدام too جميعها سلبية :-

The coffee is too hot. I can't drink it. ☕️😬

Turn the music down. It’s too loud! 🎼😡

He drives too fast. 🚖😱

Don’t stay out too late. You have to get up early tomorrow! 😭

The exam is too difficult. Sarah can't complete it. 📝

Sarah couldn't play basketball because she was too short.🏀👱🏼‍♀️

We are too tired to go to the gym.🏋️😔

I'm too tired. I'm going to bed. 😴

It is too late for me to go out. 🙈😕

I can't walk to school because it is too far.🏘

You speak too fast 🗣

🔻 باستخدام very تاتي بشكل ايجابي وسلبي بشكل قادرين نتحكم فيها.

The coffee is very hot, but I can drink it. ☕️😊

This food is very spicy. 🌶 (but I'm still eating it or I like it like that)
⚠️ الاكل جدا حار 🌶 ممكن يكون ايجابي اذا كانت درجة الحارة تعجبك ، ووممكن يكون سلبي ولكن تقدر تتحكم فيها وتاكله اما لو استخدمنا too يعني ابدا ما نقدر ناكله لان حار جدا.

I'm very tired but let's go out anyway. 💪🤧

The exam is very difficult, but Ali can complete it. 💪✏️

🔻 بالنسبة ل so شائعة الاستخدام وتقدر تستخدمها مع الايجابي والسلبي

So: be used to say something either positive or negative.

👍 I am so happy, that I am going to visit New York.

👎 It is so cold outside. I'm not going out.

So is used before an adjective for emphasis (to make the statement stronger). Let’s compare these sentences:

◽️ so + adjective (بعدها يأتي صفة)

🙂 The soup is hot. 🍜🌶
😐 The soup is so hot. 🍜🌶🌶

⚠️ hot = صفة
⚠️ لاحظ لمّا قلنا so hot يعنني شددنا على ان الشوربة جدا حارة.

The second sentence is stronger. Here, so has a similar meaning to ‘very‘ (but it is a little stronger). The same is true of sentences with ‘so many/much’ + a noun. For example:

◽️ so many/much + noun (بعدها يأتي اسم)

👧🏼👦🏽 He has many friends.
👱🏼‍♀️👱🏼👱🏼‍♀️👦🏽 He has so many friends.

⚠️ friends = اسم معدود
⚠️ many = مع الاشياء اللي تنعد

💜🎁🎉 It was a great party last night. I met so many new people!

⚠️ much = مع الاشياء الغير معدودة
😍⛄️❄️ What a great day for skiing! There is so much snow!

When so many or so much are used before a noun, it means a lot. If you have a lot of money, then you have so much money.

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