السبت، 11 مارس 2017

اسئلة عتاب عندما لا يحسن الطفل التصرف

#اسئلة ، #جملة ، #عبارات

#Children 👫 part 3/3

‼️ When a child is misbehaving
☜اسئلة  عتاب عندما لا يحسن الطفل التصرف 😤

■Why can't you behave?😯
„ليش ما عرفت تتصرف „

■When will you learn?😕
„متى تتعلم „

■How many times have I told you to stop that?
■How many times do I have to tell you?😑
„كم من المرات وانا احذرك من ...„

■Don't make me say it again!
■Don't make me tell you again!
,„لا تجعلني احذرك، اكلمك  مرة ثانية „

■If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.

‼️ When you make sure that a child is Listening to you
☜تتاكد من  الطفل عندما تكلمة ان يكون صاغي معك 🙄

■Listen to me when I'm talking to you.
■Did you hear me?
■Do you hear me?
■Do you understand?

■Is that clear?
👌كلامي واضح

■Have I made myself clear?
■Do I make myself perfectly clear?
العبارتين السابقتين 👌هل كلامي مفهوم

‼️ When you don't keep a child from going away any more⚽️
☜عندما تسمح له بالذهاب او الانصراف

■You can go.  (used with "can" or "may".)🙅
■You may leave.  (used with "can" or "may".)
■You're excused.

‼️ When you send a child to bed🛌
☜عندما تامره للذهاب للنووم

■Go to bed!💆
■It's time to go to bed!
■Off to bed now!
■It's bedtime.
■It's past your bedtime.

‼️ When a child resembles a parent👧👩
☜عبارات عندما تشبه الطفل بوالديه او  تصرفه بتصرف  احد الابوين ،  

■She resembles her mother.
■She looks just like her mother.
■She looks just like her mother did at her age.

■She's got her mother's nose.
■He's got his father's features.
العبارتين السابقتين اذا كان الطفل يشبه احد والدية بالطباع ، والشخصية 👆👆

■He's the spitting image of his father.
■He's the spit and image of his father.
■She's the picture of her mother.
صورة طبق الاصل من ابوه او امه  بالشكل او الطباع 👧👩

■He's a real mama's boy
■She's a real daddy's girl.
■She's daddy's little girl.
هي بنت ابيها ، او ابن ابوه، هذا👆👆 ولد امة  دلالاة ع الشبة ، او الفخر ، او الدلال

👌resemble يشبه
👌features طباع  ، خصائص

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