الثلاثاء، 28 مارس 2017

الفرق بين very/ و/ too

ايش الفرق بين very و too ؟ 🤔

1️⃣ الأولى : very غالبا للشيء الايجابي لمّا توصفه وتأتي بشكل سلبي ولكن ليست أسوء من استخدام too

2️⃣ الثانية : too دايما للشيء السلبي.

ناخذ شوية جمل ونفهم 👇

🔻 لاحظ هنا باستخدام too جميعها سلبية :-

The coffee is too hot. I can't drink it. ☕️😬

Turn the music down. It’s too loud! 🎼😡

He drives too fast. 🚖😱

Don’t stay out too late. You have to get up early tomorrow! 😭

The exam is too difficult. Sarah can't complete it. 📝

Sarah couldn't play basketball because she was too short.🏀👱🏼‍♀️

We are too tired to go to the gym.🏋️😔

I'm too tired. I'm going to bed. 😴

It is too late for me to go out. 🙈😕

I can't walk to school because it is too far.🏘

You speak too fast 🗣

🔻 باستخدام very تاتي بشكل ايجابي وسلبي بشكل قادرين نتحكم فيها.

The coffee is very hot, but I can drink it. ☕️😊

This food is very spicy. 🌶 (but I'm still eating it or I like it like that)
⚠️ الاكل جدا حار 🌶 ممكن يكون ايجابي اذا كانت درجة الحارة تعجبك ، ووممكن يكون سلبي ولكن تقدر تتحكم فيها وتاكله اما لو استخدمنا too يعني ابدا ما نقدر ناكله لان حار جدا.

I'm very tired but let's go out anyway. 💪🤧

The exam is very difficult, but Ali can complete it. 💪✏️

🔻 بالنسبة ل so شائعة الاستخدام وتقدر تستخدمها مع الايجابي والسلبي

So: be used to say something either positive or negative.

👍 I am so happy, that I am going to visit New York.

👎 It is so cold outside. I'm not going out.

So is used before an adjective for emphasis (to make the statement stronger). Let’s compare these sentences:

◽️ so + adjective (بعدها يأتي صفة)

🙂 The soup is hot. 🍜🌶
😐 The soup is so hot. 🍜🌶🌶

⚠️ hot = صفة
⚠️ لاحظ لمّا قلنا so hot يعنني شددنا على ان الشوربة جدا حارة.

The second sentence is stronger. Here, so has a similar meaning to ‘very‘ (but it is a little stronger). The same is true of sentences with ‘so many/much’ + a noun. For example:

◽️ so many/much + noun (بعدها يأتي اسم)

👧🏼👦🏽 He has many friends.
👱🏼‍♀️👱🏼👱🏼‍♀️👦🏽 He has so many friends.

⚠️ friends = اسم معدود
⚠️ many = مع الاشياء اللي تنعد

💜🎁🎉 It was a great party last night. I met so many new people!

⚠️ much = مع الاشياء الغير معدودة
😍⛄️❄️ What a great day for skiing! There is so much snow!

When so many or so much are used before a noun, it means a lot. If you have a lot of money, then you have so much money.

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