الجمعة، 31 مارس 2017


[٧/‏٣ ٣:٥٩ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: If we can learn to forgive,  then we can learn to love.

And if we can learn to love, then we can learn to accept.

And if we can learn to accept,  then we can learn to unite.

And if we can learn to unite,  we can learn to defeat.

And if we can learn to defeat,  the Ummah will never fall.

***We just need to learn how to forgive first***
Assalamo alykum all my friends. I hope u good Thurasday
[٧/‏٣ ٤:٠٠ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: *"SIX (6) WAYS TO EARN REWARD EVEN AFTER DEATH"*
1. Give a copy of *Al-Qur'an* to someone.
Each time one reads from it, *you gain reward*.
2. Donate a *wheelchair* to a hospital.
Each time sick person uses it, *you gain reward*.
3. Participate or contribute in *building a masjid*.
4. Dig a *well or borehole or Place water cooler in a public place*. Each time any creature uses it, *you gain reward.*
5. *Plant a tree.* Whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it. *You gain reward*.
6. And the easiest of all, *share this message with fellow Muslims.*
If you get one person that applies any of the above, *you gain a lot of rewards.* Please do it now........ 🙏🏼�

[٧/‏٣ ٤:٠٠ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: Are we alive or dead?

A Rich man looked through his window and saw a man picking something from his dustbin. He said, Thank GOD I'm not poor.

The poor man looked around and saw a naked man misbehaving on the street. He said, Thank GOD I'm not mad.

The mad man looked ahead and saw an ambulance carrying a patient. He said, Thank GOD am not sick.

Then a sick person in hospital saw a trolley taking a dead body to the mortuary. He said, Thank GOD I'm not dead.

Only a dead person can not thank God.....

To understand it better, you have to go to 3 locations:

1. Hospital,
2. Prison &
3. Cemetery.

*At the Hospital, you will understand that nothing is more beautiful than HEALTH.

*In the Prison, you'll see that FREEDOM is the most precious thing.

*At the Cemetery, you will realize that the ground that we walk today will be our roof tomorrow.

Let us, therefore, be grateful for everything that we have by the mercy of the God.
[٧/‏٣ ١٠:٢٥ م] ‪+91 94523 64058‬: *different between wake up and get up* 

*Wake up*

*Wake up* = to stop sleeping and open your eyes.

When your alarm clock goes off in the morning you wake up because you are no longer sleeping.

You can wake
up naturally (your body doesn't need to sleep any more) or something or someone can wake you up such as an alarm clock or a friend (or dog) jumping on your bed.

*Wake up*  is a phrasal verb so only the first part, the verb, changes according to the tense.

*Example sentences of Wake up*:

Why am I still tired when I wake up?

My alarm clock rang and I woke up immediately.

When she woke up, she no longer had a headache.

Let's have the surprise ready before he wakes up.

I hope she wakes up soon, we have to go.

*Get up*

*Get up* = to get out of bed (usually to start your day).

*Get up*  can also mean: To go from a lying position onto your feet.

*Example sentences of Get up*:

I first thing I do when I get up is go to the toilet.

This morning I got up earlier than normal.

I got up in the middle of the night to find myself another blanket because I was cold.

I wake up around 7 o'clock but I don't get up until around 8. I like to lie in bed reading before I start my day.
[٨/‏٣ ٥:١١ ص] ‪+249 90 823 0012‬: *1 PAN* -permanant account numbe
*2. PDF*-portable document format
*3. HDFC -*-housing development finance corporation
*4. SIM -*-Subscriber Identity Module
*5. ATM -* -Automated Teller machine
*6. IFSC -*-Indian Financial System Code
*7. FSSAI(fssai)
*8-Wi-Fi-*-wireless fidelity

1.) *GOOGLE* - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth.
2.) *YAHOO* - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
3.) *WINDOW* - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution.
4.) *COMPUTER* - Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.
5.) *VIRUS* - Vital Information Resources Under Siege.
6.) *UMTS* - Universal Mobile Telecommunicati ons System.
7.) *AMOLED* - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.
8.) *OLED* - Organic light-emitting diode.
9.) *IMEI* - International Mobile Equipment Identity.
10.) *ESN* - Electronic Serial Number.
11.) *UPS* - Uninterruptible power supply.
12. *HDMI* - High-Definition Multimedia Interface.
13.) *VPN* - Virtual private network.
14.) *APN* - Access Point Name.
15.) *SIM* - Subscriber Identity Module.
16.) *LED* - Light emitting diode.
17.) *DLNA* - Digital Living Network Alliance.
18.) *RAM* - Random access memory.
19.) *ROM* - Read only memory.
20.) *VGA* - Video Graphics Array.
21.) *QVGA* - Quarter Video Graphics Array.
22.) *WVGA* - Wide video graphics array.
23.) *WXGA* - Widescreen Extended Graphics Array.
24.) *USB* - Universal serial Bus.
25.) *WLAN* - Wireless Local Area Network.
26.) *PPI* - Pixels Per Inch.
27.) *LCD* - Liquid Crystal Display.
28.) *HSDPA* - High speed down-link packet access.
29.) *HSUPA* - High-Speed Uplink Packet Access.
30.) *HSPA* - High Speed Packet Access.
31.) *GPRS* - General Packet Radio Service.
32.) *EDGE* - Enhanced Data Rates for Globa Evolution.
33.) *NFC* - Near field communication.
34.) *OTG* - On-the-go.
35.) *S-LCD* - Super Liquid Crystal Display.
36.) *O.S* - Operating system.
37.) *SNS* - Social network service.
38.) *H.S* - HOTSPOT.
39.) *P.O.I* - Point of interest.
40.) *GPS* - Global Positioning System.
41.) *DVD* - Digital Video Disk.
42.) *DTP* - Desk top publishing.
43.) *DNSE* - Digital natural sound engine.
44.) *OVI* - Ohio Video Intranet.
45.) *CDMA* - Code Division Multiple Access.
46.) *WCDMA* - Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access.
47.) *GSM* - Global System for Mobile Communications.
48.) *WI-FI* - Wireless Fidelity.
49.) *DIVX* - Digital internet video access.
50.) *APK* - Authenticated public key.
51.) *J2ME* - Java 2 micro edition.
52.) *SIS* - Installation source.
53.) *DELL* - Digital electronic link library.
54.) *ACER* - Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection.
55.) *RSS* - Really simple syndication.
56.) *TFT* - Thin film transistor.
57.) *AMR*- Adaptive Multi-Rate.
58.) *MPEG* - moving pictures experts group.
59.) *IVRS* - Interactive Voice Response System.
60.) *HP* - Hewlett Packard.
*Do we know actual full form of some words???*
*🔗News paper =*
_North East West South past and present events report._
*🔗Chess =*
_Chariot, Horse, Elephant, Soldiers._
*🔗Cold =*
_Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease._
*🔗Joke =*
_Joy of Kids Entertainment._
*🔗Aim =*
_Ambition in Mind._
🔗Date =
_Day and Time Evolution._
*🔗Eat =*
_Energy and Taste._
*🔗Tea =*
_Taste and Energy Admitted._
*🔗Pen =*
_Power Enriched in Nib._
*🔗Smile =*
_Sweet Memories in Lips Expression._

*🔗SIM =*
_Subscriber Identity Module_

*🔗etc. =*
_End of Thinking Capacity_
*🔗OK =*
_Objection Killed_

*🔗Or =*
_Orl Korec (Greek Word)_
[٨/‏٣ ٤:١٧ م] ‪+249 90 823 0012‬: ⭐️Other ways to say I'm tired:

✅ I'm beat.
✅ I'm exhausted.
✅ I'm pooped.
✅ I'm worn out.
✅ I'm done.
✅ I'm spent.
✅ I'm flat out tired.
✅ I'm dead on my feet.
✅ I'm running in empty.
✅ I'm running on fumes.
✅ I'm tired out.
✅ I'm weary.
✅ I'm dog tired.
✅ I'm tired to be done.
✅ I'm dragging.
[١٠/‏٣ ١:١٠ ص] ‪+967 712 392 066‬: ╰•☆🇬🇧 *Similar Words but Different Meanings* 🇺🇸☆•╮

_A lot of words are similar but with different meanings. It is almost impossible to avoid making mistakes in English, but if you can get your head around these explanations, you might be able to avoid making these mistakes_.

🌸 *accept vs except*

♡ *Accept* :

is a verb, which means to agree to take something .
For example: “I always accept good advice.

♡ *Except* :     
Is a preposition or conjunction, which means not including.
For example: “I teach every day except Sunday(s).

🌸 *advice vs advise*

♡ *Advice*:
is a noun, which means an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation. For example: “I need someone to give me some advice.”

♡ *Advise* :

is a verb, which means to give information and suggest types of action. For example: “I advise everybody to be nice to their teacher.”

🌸 *affect vs effect*

Affect and effect are two words that are commonly confused.

♡ *affect*:

is usually a verb (action)

♡ *effect*:

is usually a noun (thing) Hint: If it’s something you’re going to do, use “affect.” If it’s something you’ve already done, use “effect.” To affect something or someone.

🌸 *alone / lonely*

♡ *Alone*:

can be used as an adjective or adverb. Either use means without other people or on your own. For example: “He likes living alone.” “I think we’re alone now.” = There are just the two of us here.

♡ *Lonely*:

is an adjective which means you are unhappy because you are not with other people. For example: “The house feels lonely now that all the children have left home.”

🌸 *a lot / alot / allot*

♡ *A lot*:

, meaning a large amount or number of people or things, can be used to modify a noun. For example: “I need a lot of time to develop this web site.” It can also be used as an adverb, meaning very much or very often. For example: “I look a lot like my sister.” It has become a common term in speech; and is increasingly used in writing.

♡ *Alot*:

does not exist! There is no such word in the English language. If you write it this way – imagine me shouting at you – “No Such Word!”

♡ *Allot* :

is a verb, which means to give (especially a share of something) for a particular purpose: For example: “We were allotted a desk each.”

🌸 *All ready vs Already*

♡ *All ready* :

means “completely ready”. For example: “Are you all ready for the test?”

♡ *Already* :

is an adverb that means before the present time or earlier than the time expected. For example: “I asked him to come to the cinema but he’d already seen the film.” or “Are you buying Christmas cards already? It’s only September!”

🌸 *Altogether vs All together*

♡ *All together* :

(adv) means “together in a single group.” For example: The waiter asked if we were all together.

♡ *Altogether*:

(adv) means “completely” or “in total “.
For example: She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.

🌸 *Any one vs Anyone*

♡ *Any one*:

means any single person or thing out of a group of people or things.

For example: I can recommend any one of the books on this site.

♡ *Anyone*:

means any person. It’s always written as one word. For example: Did anyone see that man ?
[١٠/‏٣ ٩:٥٥ ص] ‪+249 90 823 0012‬: 🌷  الجمعة 🌷
                جمادى الثانية
لك في الفؤاد مهابة ومحبة
       يا من بحبك يستضيء كياني
أنا يا إلهي عائذ من وحدتي
       أنا هارب من كثرة الأشجان
من لي سواك يجيرني ويعيدني
       من عالم الأهواء.. والشيطان
سدت بوجهي كل أبواب المنى
          فأتيت بابك طالب الغفران
يارب إني قد أتيتك تائبا
      فاقبل بعفوك توبة الندمان

   🌹 جمعة مباركة مكللة بالقبول 
   والدعاء والاستغفار وقراءة القرآن والذكر
  و الصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
  صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم🌹

  صبـ⛅ـاح الصلة بالله 🌞ツ

You have in our  heart  reverence and love
       Oh your love lights up my entity
Oh my god I charm of my loneness
       I am a fugitive from frequent sadness
Who next wage and retreat me back
       From the fancies world and the devil ......
Closed my face all the
doors of wishes
          and I came to your door ask you forgiveness
Lord, I have came as repentant
      With your forgiveness accept repentance of penitant

   🌲blessing Juma with accepted
   , pray, seek forgiveness and recitation of the Qur'an
    prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah
  God bless him and his family

  🌴Morning of link with God🌴
Presented by:Abu dyia
Translated by:mansoor
[١٠/‏٣ ٩:٥٧ ص] ‪+249 90 823 0012‬: Twin's Father:
✳ Most Prominent Sudanese political Press Headlines
🔹Issued on Friday, 10/3/2017
✍🏾 translated by: Twin's Father

Dr.. Abdul Aziz Osher Late/Khalil Ibrahim's brother and one of the lOmdurman attack leaders stated with testimonies by the name of released prisoners
Meteorology warns citizens from the rising of temperatures, accompanied by dust and dirt
The commence of the final phase of the west  Nile road (Matema: Omdurman)
Bakri stresses the importance of coordination to combat extremism and violence
Sudan calls on the United States to contribute in peace, security and development
Mahdi congratulates al-Bashir


Democratic Unionist delivers his nominees in next government and his most prominent departures
Release of movements convicts and  Popular Congress Party Leaders in their recieving
Because of the coup news against his father Hassan Merghani complain to Al-Watan
Hilal accuses the companies to take over the gold in Jabal Amer


Wikileaks: El-Turabi praised  Al-Bashir and Ali Osman in a meeting with US envoy
State Department calls for American d'affaires charge and protesting the travel restrictions on Sudanese
Release (258) convicts of Darfurian armed Movements
Abdul Aziz Osher must learn a lesson from the experiences and transcend the bitter reality

Re-issue (Sodhakal) to the Minister of Justice for failure to complete the procedures for his extradition to the UAE
Sheikha Mozah will visit Sudan tomorrow
Government provides humanitarian assistance to the victims of  the famine in South Sudan


Prime Minister meets with coalition forces of reconciliation government formation
Democratic Unionist and  Umma Party : The government responded to the greeting of SPLA/NS with the better of them


Osher and his colleagues  return to the home and Musa Hilal repudicates  Al-Messiah
The continuation of consultations on the formation of a reconciliation government
Presidential searching facilitate to pass relief to the State of South Sudan


Abdul Aziz Osher calls the factions to fold the differences
Collapse the corn prices in Al-Qadarif
Forecasters expect temperatures rising to 44 degrees
Al-Tayeb Mustafa: Prime Minister tasked us to convince the defiant peace


People: People do not eat outputs and freedoms
Al-manarah Water station stops for 6 hours on Sunday
Al-Mahdi's visit to the White Nile outbreak of the  differences among Umma Party
Prime Minister: our hands outstretched to break the backbone of terrorism


Touching moments in Cooper jail yesterday released of (258) of movements armed convicts
Ghandour receives a message from the EU Foreign Minister


Abdul Aziz Osher to Al-tayar: my released was a surprise
South Sudan raises work permits charge for foreigners to one-thousands dollars.

[١٠/‏٣ ١:٣٧ م] ‪+967 712 392 066‬: 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚

                   🔴Modal Verbs🔴

✳The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would and must.

✳The modals are used to show that we believe something is certain, probable or possible:

✳We use the modals could, might and may to show that something is possible in the future, but not certain:

♦They might come later. (= Perhaps/Maybe they will come later.)
♦They may come by car. (= Perhaps/Maybe they will come by car.)
♦If we don’t hurry we could be late. (= Perhaps/Maybe we will be late)

✳We use could have, might have and may have to show that something was possible now or at some time in the past:
♦It’s ten o’clock. They might have arrived now.
♦They could have arrived hours ago.

✳We use the modal can to make general statements about what is possible:

♦It can be very cold in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold in winter)
♦You can easily lose your way in the dark. (= People often lose their way in the dark)

✳We use the modal could as the past tense of can:
♦It could be very cold in winter. (= Sometimes it was very cold in winter.)
♦You could lose your way in the dark. (= People often lost their way in the dark)

We use the negative can’t or cannot to show that something is impossible:
♦That can’t be true.
♦You cannot be serious.

✳We use couldn’t/could not to talk about the past:

♦We knew it could not be true.
♦He was obviously joking. He could not be serious.

We use the modal must to show we are sure something to be true and we have reasons for our belief:
♦It’s getting dark. It must be quite late.
You haven’t eaten all day. You must be hungry.

✳We use must have for the past:
♦They hadn’t eaten all day. They must have been hungry.
♦You look happy. You must have heard the good news.

✳We use the modal should to suggest that something is true or will be true in the future, and to show you have reasons for your suggestion:
♦Ask Miranda. She should know.
♦It's nearly six o'clock. They should arrive soon.

✳We use should have to talk about the past:

♦It's nearly eleven o'clock. They should have arrived by now.

[١٠/‏٣ ٢:٣٢ م] ‪+249 90 823 0012‬: ⭕️Top 10 Most Common Idiomatic Expressions with ‘Like’

💥Sleep like a log
✅Sleep very deeply, sleep very well

💥Sell like hotcakes
✅Sell very well, very quickly

💥Like a fish out of water
✅Completely out of place, not belonging at all

💥Feel like a million
✅Feel very happy

💥Like a bump on a log
✅Do not react in a useful of helpful way to the activities around them

💥Read someone like a book
✅Know exactly someone’s thinking or feelings without having to ask

💥Watch someone like a Hawk
✅Watch someone very carefully, especially because you expect them to do something wrong

💥Fit like a glove
✅It fits exactly

💥Eat like a bird
✅Eat only small amount of food

💥Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand
✅Know very well, in every detail
[١٠/‏٣ ٨:٠٣ م] ‪+967 777 037 473‬: TOMATOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

🍅A teacher asked her students to bring some tomatoes in a plastic bag to school.
🍅Each tomato was to be given the name of a person whom that child hates.
🍅So, the number of tomatoes would be equal to the number of persons they hate.
🍅On a pre-determined day, All the children brought their tomatoes well addressed.
🍅Some had two, some had three and some had five, some even had 20 tomatoes in accordance with the number of people they hated.
🍅The teacher then told them they had to carry the tomatoes with them everywhere they go for two weeks.
🍅As the days passed the children started to complain about the decay and smell of the tomatoes.
🍅The students who had many tomatoes complained it was very heavy to carry and the smell was too much.
🍅After a week, the teacher asked the students “How did you feel this week?”
🍅The children complained of the awful smell and heavy weight of the tomatoes, especially those who carried several tomatoes.
🍅The teacher said, “This is very similar to what you carry in your heart when you don’t like some people.
🍅Hatred makes the heart unhealthy and you carry that hatred everywhere.
🍅If you can’t bear the smell of spoilt tomatoes for a week, imagine the impact of bitterness on your heart as you carry it daily.”
🍅The heart is a beautiful garden that needs regular cleaning of unwanted weeds.
🍅 Forgive those who have angered you.
🍅This makes room for storing good things.
🍅Get Better, Not Bitter!!!....
[١١/‏٣ ٩:٠٩ م] اعما: British English and American English

British people and American people can always understand each other – but there are a few notable differences between British English and American English


Americans use the present perfect tense less than speakers of British English and a British teacher might mark wrong some things that an American teacher would say are correct.

    US Did you do your homework yet?
    Brit. Have you done your homework yet?

    US I already ate.
    Brit. I’ve already eaten.

In British English, ‘have got’ is often used for the possessive sense of ‘have’ and ‘have got to’ is informally used for ‘have to’. This is much less common in American English.

    Brit. I’ve got two sisters.
    US I have two sisters.

    Brit. I’ve got to go now.
    US I have to go now.

There are a number of other minor grammatical differences.


There are a lot of examples of different words being used in British and American English. Here are a few of the commonest.

    angry (Brit.) = mad (US)
    autumn = fall
    boot (of a car) = trunk
    chemist’s = drug store
    cupboard = closet
    flat = apartment
    lift = elevator
    nappy = diaper
    pavement = sidewalk
    petrol = gas/gasoline
    rubbish = trash
    tap = faucet
    trousers = pants

There are British words which many Americans will not understand and vice versa. There are also words which exist in both British and American English but have very different meanings.


There are also a number of different spelling rules between British English and American English.

1 Some words that end in ‘-tre’ in British English end in ‘-ter’ in American English.

    US theater, center
    Brit. theatre, centre

2 Some words that end in ‘-our’ in British English end in ‘-or’ in American English.

    US color, labor
    Brit. colour, labour

3 Some words are shorter in American English than in British English.

    US catalog, program
t. catalogue, programme

There are other minor spelling differences between British and American English
[١١/‏٣ ٩:٢٣ م] ‪+967 772 768 279‬: 📇 *أنا أتحدث اللغة الإنجليزية [ ١٢ ]*📇

👤 *_قناة: Power Up Oil_*👤

🌴✍🏼 *_كلمات الأفعال المستخدم بكثرة في حياتنا اليومية " ١ "_*✍🏼🌴

✍🏼 _شارك معنا وأحفظ الكلمات:_

*_• الكلمة: Acquire._*
*_• النطق: أكوير._*
*_• المعنى: يحرز._*
*_• الكلمة: Act._*
*_• النطق: آكت._*
*_• المعنى: يفعل._*
*_• الكلمة: Add._*
*_• النطق: آد._*
*_• المعنى: يضيف/ يجمع._*
*_• الكلمة: Advance._*
*_• النطق: أدڤانس._*
*_• المعنى: يتقدم._*
*_• الكلمة: Aid._*
*_• النطق: أيد._*
*_• المعنى: يساعد._*
*_• الكلمة: Aim._*
*_• النطق: أيم._*
*_• المعنى: يهدف._*
*_• الكلمة: Allow._*
*_• النطق: ألاو._*
*_• المعنى: يسمح._*
*_• الكلمة: Amass._*
*_• النطق: أماس._*
*_• المعنى: يكدس._*
*_• الكلمة: Annex._*
*_• النطق: أنكس._*
*_• المعنى: يضيف/ يلحق._*
*_• الكلمة: Appear._*
*_• النطق: أپير._*
*_• المعنى: يظهر/ يبدوا._*
*_• الكلمة: Balance._*
*_• النطق: بلنس._*
*_• المعنى: يوازن._*
*_• الكلمة: Bathe._*
*_• النطق: باث._*
*_• المعنى: يستحم._*
*_• الكلمة: Bear._*
*_• النطق: بير._*
*_• المعنى: يتحمل._*
*_• الكلمة: Beg._*
*_• النطق: بِجْ._*
*_• المعنى: يتسول/ يتوسل._*
*_• الكلمة: Bite._*
*_• النطق: بايت._*
*_• المعنى: يعض._*
*_• الكلمة: Blow._*
*_• النطق: بلو._*
*_• المعنى: ينفخ._*
*_• الكلمة: Boil._*
*_• النطق: بويل._*
*_• المعنى: يغلي._*
*_• الكلمة: Break._*
*_• النطق: برايك._*
*_• المعنى: يكسر._*
*_• الكلمة: Breathe._*
*_• النطق: بريذ._*
*_• المعنى: يتنفس._*
*_• الكلمة: Bribe._*
*_• النطق: برايب._*
*_• المعنى: يرشو._*
*_• الكلمة: Burn._*
*_• النطق: بيرن._*
*_• المعنى: يحرق._*
*_• الكلمة: Buy._*
*_• النطق: باي._*
*_• المعنى: يشتري._*
*_• الكلمة: Carry._*
*_• النطق: كاري._*
*_• المعنى: يحمل/ ينقل._*
*_• الكلمة: Catch._*
*_• النطق: كاتش._*
*_• المعنى: يمسك._*
*_• الكلمة: Cause._*
*_• النطق: كوز._*
*_• المعنى: يسبب._*
*_• الكلمة: Change._*
*_• النطق: تشاينچ._*
*_• المعنى: يغير._*
*_• الكلمة: Chew._*
*_• النطق: تشُو._*
*_• المعنى: يمضغ._*
*_• الكلمة: Chop._*
*_• النطق: تشُب._*
*_• المعنى: يقطع/ يهدم._*
*_• الكلمة: Clap._*
*_• النطق: كلاپ._*
*_• المعنى: يصفق._*
*_• الكلمة: Climb._*
*_• النطق: كلايمب._*
*_• المعنى: يتسلق._*

⚖أحفظ الكلمات سوف يتحسن مستوأك⚖

📇 *ونذكركم: قليلاً دائم خيراً من كثيراً منقطع*📇

📝 _سوف نبداء معاً لحفظ الف كلمة باللغة الأنجليزية تبداء على مراحل_📝

📮 *لأستقبال رسائلنا أرسل كلمة إضافة على الرقم: ٠٠٩٦٨٩٧٧٩٧٩٧٨*📮
[١٢/‏٣ ٨:٥٣ ص] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: #work

‼️ When you look for excuses
☜ كيف تقدم عذر انك قد انجزت العمل على الوجة المطلوب منك او بالكيفية الذي اعطيت لك.

◆★◆I'm doing the best I can.
◆★◆I'm doing my best.
◆★◆That's the way I was told to do it.
◆★◆That's the way I've always done it.
◆★◆I'm just following orders.

‼️ When you recommend your colleague to end an unsuccessful task
☜ عندما تامر موظف او عامل اثناء العمل بانهاء عمل فاشل ، او تريد التعبير ان العمل غير مقبول. ✋✋✋✋

◆★◆Throw it away.🖐
◆★◆Give it up.
◆★◆Dump it.
◆★◆Trash it.
◆★◆Junk it.
◆★◆Toss it.
◆★◆Finish it off.
◆★◆Get rid of it.
◆★◆Nip it in the bud.
◆★◆Pull the rug out from under it.

‼️ When a project has been cancelled
☜عنما تريد التعبير ان العمل القائم قد فشل او الغي .👇

◆★◆The project went down the drain.
◆★◆Case is closed.
◆★◆End of story.

‼️ When you end your job
☜ عندما تقترح او تامر بانجاز عمل معا بسرعة او في وقت محدد مثلت اليوم ،او تطلب التعجيل بانجاز العمل

◆★◆Let's call it a day.
◆★◆It's time to call it a day.
◆★◆Let's call it a night.
◆★◆Let's call it quits.
◆★◆So much for that.

‼️ When you start a task over again
☜ عبارات وجمل للتعبير انه من المطلوب العودة الى البداية (للتخلص من اللخبطة القائمة ) او اعادة العمل من جديد.

◆★◆It's time to start over from scratch.
◆★◆We're back to square one.
◆★◆We're back to basics.
◆★◆We're back to the drawing board.
[١٢/‏٣ ٨:٥٣ ص] ‪+967 771 515 610‬: #قل_لاتقل 🗣Say,Don't say

#common_mistakes with unstable propositions

ثالثا:  اخطاء شائعة مع اضافة حرف جر غير مناسب

♝Die of an illness, not from an illness.
☜يموت نتيجة
❌ Don't say: Many people have died from malaria.
✅ Say: Many people have died of malaria.
♝Congratulate on, not for.
☜يهنئ ويبارك
❌ Don't say: I congratulate you for your success.
✅ Say: I congratulate you on your success.
♝Different from, not than.
☜يختلف عن
❌ Don't say: My book is different than yours.
✅ Say: My book is different from yours.
♝Consist of, not from.
☜يتكون من ، يحتوى على
❌ Don't say: A year consists from twelve months.
✅ Say: A year consists of twelve months.
♝Covered with, not by.
☜مغطى يواسطة
❌ Don't say: The mountains are covered by snow.
✅ Say: The mountains are covered with/in snow.
♝Disappointed by, about or at, not from.
(a) by/at/about:

❌ Don't say: Phillipa was disappointed from the low mark she got in the test.
✅ Say: Phillipa was disappointed by/about/at the low mark she got in the test.

(b) with/in:

❌ Don't say: Jane was disappointed from her son.
✅ Say: Jane was disappointed with/in her son.

♝Depend on or upon, not from.
☜ يعتمد على
❌ Don't say: It depends from her.
✅ Say: It depends on (or upon) her.
♝Divide into parts, not in parts.
☜ يقسم الى او يقطع
❌ Don't say: I divided the cake in four parts.
✅ Say: I divided the cake into four parts.
[١٢/‏٣ ١٠:٥٥ م] ‪+967 712 392 066‬: 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

Definite Article - "the"

💥You use "the" when you know that the listener knows or can work out what particular person or thing you are talking about.
💥We use "the" when we are talking about a specific person or thing, or if there is only one, or if it is clear which one we are talking about.
💥💥You should also use "the" when you have already mentioned the thing you are talking about.
💥We use "the" to talk about geographical points on the globe.
💥We use "the" with plural names of people and places.
💥We normally use "the" with buildings.
For Example: The White House, The Hilton Hotel.
💥With school, university, prison, hospital, church, work and home
💥We use "the" when we are talking about a particular or specific item, and no article when we are talking about the idea of school, university, prison, hospital, church, work and home.
💥We use an article before the names of countries where they indicate multiple areas or contain nouns. State(s), kingdom, republic and union are nouns, so they need an article.
💥💥For Example: Use "the" - the UK (United Kingdom), the USA (United States of America)
💥💥For Example: Use "the" for multiple areas - the Netherlands, the Philippines, the British Isles.
💥We use "the" with oceans, seas, rivers and canals.
💥We use "the" with directions: north, south, east and west to talk about the location of a place within another place, but no article is used to compare the location of two places.
[١٣/‏٣ ٩:٢٥ م] اعما: Stretch Your Legs According to the Size of Your Quilt
Egyptian proverb
The proverb is
similar to the Italian proverb “Stretch your arm no farther than your sleeve will reach.” The proverb advises people to stay logic about their capabilities and not to dream of things they could not achieve.It does not kill ambition but rather promotes contentment of one's own destiny.Example
1:-Why can't you buy this Mercedes car?-Stretch your legs according to the size of your quilt
[I can't afford buying it]
2:-Hey man … can you lend me 100 dollars … I need to buy some book.-Jeez man, 100 dollars …Stretch your legs according to the size of your quilt
[ Don't go beyond what you can afford ]
[١٤/‏٣ ٦:٠١ م] ‪+967 712 392 066‬: *_BIG_*

[١٤/‏٣ ٦:٠١ م] ‪+967 712 392 066‬: Who or Whom?

When use who and whom as relative pronouns.
(A relative pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun.)

Who + Verb
Whom + Subject + Verb



- The girl _who_ is crying was punished by her mother.
- The man _whom_ you met yesterday is coming to dinner.
[١٥/‏٣ ٣:٣٦ م] ‪+967 771 900 103‬: Learn Real English:
all × none, nothing
always × never
ancient × modern
answer × question
apart × together
appear × disappear, vanish
approve × disapprove
arrive × depart
artificial × natural
ascend × descend
attractive × repulsive
awake × asleep


backward × forward
bad × good
beautiful × ugly
before × after
begin × end
below × above
bent × straight
best × worst
better × worse, worst
big × little, small
black × white
blame × praise
bless × curse
bitter × sweet
borrow × lend
bottom × top
boy × girl
brave × cowardly
build × destroy
bold × meek, timid
bound × free
bright × dim, dull
brighten × fade
broad × narrow


calm × windy, troubled
capable × incapable
careful × careless
cheap × expensive
cheerful × sad, discouraged, dreary
clear × cloudy, opaque
clever × stupid
clockwise × counterclockwise
close × far, distant
closed × open
cold × hot
combine × separate
come × go
comfort × discomfort
common × rare
contract × expand
cool × warm
correct × incorrect, wrong
courage × cowardice
create × destroy
crooked × straight
cruel × kind
compulsory × voluntary
courteous × discourteous, rude


dangerous × safe
dark × light
day × night
dead × alive
decline × accept, increase
decrease × increase
deep × shallow
definite × indefinite
demand × supply
despair × hope
disappear × appear
diseased × healthy
down × up
downwards × upwards
dry × moist, wet
dull × bright, shiny


early × late
east × west
easy × hard, difficult
empty × full
encourage × discourage
end × begin, start
enter × exit
even × odd
export × import
external × internal


fade × brighten
fail × succeed
false × true
famous × unknown
far × near
fast × slow
fat × thin
few × many
find × lose
first × last
foolish × wise
fold × unfold
forget × remember
found × lost
friend × enemy


generous × stingy
gentle × rough
get × give
girl × boy
glad × sad, sorry
gloomy × cheerful
good × bad
great × tiny, small, unimportant
guest × host
guilty × innocent


happy × sad
hard × easy
hard × soft
harmful × harmless
hate × love
healthy × diseased, ill, sick
heaven × hell
heavy × light
here × there
high × low
hill × valley
horizontal × vertical
hot × cold
humble × proud


in × out
include × exclude
inhale × exhale
inner × outer
inside × outside
intelligent × stupid, unintelligent
interior × exterior


join × separate
junior × senior


knowledge × ignorance
known × unknown


landlord × tenant
large × small
last × first
laugh × cry
lawful × illegal
leader × follower
[١٦/‏٣ ١١:٤٩ ص] ‪+966 56 066 1742‬: Weak forms: words are classified into content/lexical (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and functional (pronouns, prepositions, articles, conjunctions). Content words are ALWAYS stressed. for example the vowel in 'meet' is always long.
Functional words are NOT stressed. every function word has two forms: one STRONG (used for emphasis) and one WEAK. Native speakers always use the weak form (unless there is a reason to use the strong one). For example 'him' has two forms: strong /hɪm/ and weak /m/ or /ɪm/. So to say 'tell him',  we don't say /tel hɪm/. we say /tel m/ or /tel ɪm/ . likewise, 'and' has two forms: /ænd/ and weak /n/ or /ən/. to say 'John and Mary', we don't say 'dʒɒn ænd meəri/; rather, we say /dʒɒn n meəri/...... look at the different functional words and their weak forms and practice them.  Towards Native like English ! 
By teacher khalid
[١٦/‏٣ ٢:٤٥ م] ‪+967 773 380 046‬: ✋😅✋😅✋😅
Could any help me to have a good job .
(I prefer to work one period) this is my C.V below
# Personal Datas :
* Name : Bassam Mohammad Abdussalam AL-sorori
* Place & Date of birth : Taiz Province, 1984
* Nationality : Yemeni
* Address : Sana'a, Republic of Yemen
* Mobile & Whatsapp : (00967)    773380046
# Scientific Qualifications :
* Bachelor's degree in Accounting & Auditing, Faculty of commerce & economy, Sana'a University
* Diploma in French language, Faculty of language, Sana'a University
* Secondary School Certificate
#Experiences :
* One year as an accountant in a trading store 2015
* Ten years as a sales man in a trading store
# Training Cycles :
* Cycle in integrated accounting System, Yemen Soft Company
* Cycle in professional accounting executed by Nashwan AL-zabidi's legal accountant Office.
* Cycle in translation at Aref AL-salami's translation center           ( Legal, Medical and commercial translation ) English to Arabic & the opposite
* Cycles in Microsoft Applications
* Nowadays preparing for International TOEFL Test
# Special Skills :
* Awesome skills in English Language ( Writing & Speaking )
* The ability to use Computer applications (Microsoft) professionally
* The ability to type in Arabic or English fastly
* The power of persuasion in a simple way
* Able to work under pressure
# The languages :
* Arabic Language : Mother tongue .
* English Language : (Professional)
# The expected jobs : accountant , Teacher , Sales man , Secretery, Cashier, financial & administrative Consultant, business manager or Scientific searcher.
I prefer to work one Shift (Period)
[١٧/‏٣ ٦:٢٧ م] ‪+968 9588 3888‬: 🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓

The Blind Man with a Lamp

Once there lived a blind man in a small town. He always carried a lighted lamp in his hand whenever he went out at night.

On one dark night he was going with his lighted lamp in his hand. A group of men were passing that way.

They saw the blind man and made fun of him. They said,' O Blind man why do you carry the lighted lamp. You are blind and cannot see anything?

The blind man politely said, 'This lamp is not for me, but for you people who have eyes. You may not see a blind man coming and push him.
They felt ashamed and begged pardon.

Think twice before you speak


الرجل الأعمى و المصباح

كان ياماكان كان هناك رجل أعمى يعيش في بلدة صغيرة. وكان يحمل دائما مصباح مضيءً في يده كلما خرج في الليل.

ومرةً في ليلة مظلمة خرج ومصباحه المضيء في يده. مجموعة من الرجال كانوا يمرون من ذلك الطريق.

رأوا الرجل الأعمى و سخروا منه.
قالوا: أيها الرجل الأعمى لماذا تحمل مصباحاً مضيءً. فأنت أعمى لا ترى أي شيء ؟

رد الرجل الأعمى بأدب وقال: 'هذا المصباح هو ليس من أجلي بل من أجل الناس الذين لديهم عيون. فقد لا يرون رجلً أعمى قادماً ويدفعونه.
فشعر الرجال بالخجل وتوسلوا العفو.

فكر مرتين قبل أن تتكلم.
[١٨/‏٣ ٢:٢٨ م] ‪+967 773 380 046‬: ✋😅✋😅✋😅
Could any help me to have a good job .
(I prefer to work one period) this is my C.V below
# Personal Datas :
* Name : Bassam Mohammad Abdussalam AL-sorori
* Place & Date of birth : Taiz Province, 1984
* Nationality : Yemeni
* Address : Sana'a, Republic of Yemen
* Mobile & Whatsapp : (00967)    773380046
# Scientific Qualifications :
* Bachelor's degree in Accounting & Auditing, Faculty of commerce & economy, Sana'a University
* Diploma in French language, Faculty of language, Sana'a University
* Secondary School Certificate
#Experiences :
* One year as an accountant in a trading store 2015
* Ten years as a sales man in a trading store
# Training Cycles :
* Cycle in integrated accounting System, Yemen Soft Company
* Cycle in professional accounting executed by Nashwan AL-zabidi's legal accountant Office.
* Cycle in translation at Aref AL-salami's translation center           ( Legal, Medical and commercial translation ) English to Arabic & the opposite
* Cycles in Microsoft Applications
* Nowadays preparing for International TOEFL Test
# Special Skills :
* Awesome skills in English Language ( Writing & Speaking )
* The ability to use Computer applications (Microsoft) professionally
* The ability to type in Arabic or English fastly
* The power of persuasion in a simple way
* Able to work under pressure
# The languages :
* Arabic Language : Mother tongue .
* English Language : (Professional)
# The expected jobs : accountant , Teacher , Sales man , Secretery, Cashier, financial & administrative Consultant, business manager or Scientific searcher.
I prefer to work one Shift (Period)
[١٨/‏٣ ٨:١٢ م] ‪+966 56 066 1742‬: ✴shehab✴

Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith."
أحياناً تكون وسيلة الوصول الوحيدة المتوفرة لديك  قفزة ثقة

"I  don't know  the  key  to  success,  but  the  key  to  failure  is to  try  to  please  everyone."  
لا أعرف مفتاح النجاح لكن مفتاح الفشل أن تحاول إرضاء الجميع

I wanted everything to stay the same, but feelings fade and people change.
كنت أريد كل شيء أن يظل كما هو.  لكن المشاعر تتبدد و الناس تتغير

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
الحياة مثل ركوب الدراجة لتحافظ على توازنك عليك أن تستمر في الحركة

"The deepest longing in the human breast is the desire for appreciation." 
أعمق رغبة في صدر الإنسان هي الرغبة في التقدير

The world would have been a better place if some men had just shut their mouths.
كان العالم سيكون مكان أفضل فقط إذا أغلق بعض الناس افواهم


The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.
أهم شي في التحاور أن تستمع إلى مالم يقال
🌷ما كل ما يطري على البال ينقال🌷

Life doesn't give you what you want. It gives you what you work for.
لا تعطيك الحياة ما تريده .  تعطيك ما عملت من أجله

There are three reasons why people change:
هنالك ثلاثة أسباب لماذا يتغير الناس
1. They have learned a lot
1- تعلموا كثيرا
2. They have suffered enough
2- عانوا بما فيه الكفاية
3. They got tired of always the same thing
3- تعبوا من نفس الشي دائما

Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.
أعظم خوفنا يجب أن لا يكون من الفشل لكن من النجاح  في أشياء ليست بذات أهمية في الحياة

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
كن حذراً من العلم المزيف إنه أخطر من الجهل

Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
في آخر المطاف كل الأشياء ستأخذ مكانها.  إلى حين ذالك .  اضحك عند الحيرة (الارتباك ) عيش اللحظة و أعرف أن كل شيء يحدث لسبب

Humankind cannot stand very much reality.
لا يستطيع البشر تحمل الحقيقية المحضة

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.
الشدائد غالباً تعد الناس العاديين  لمصير فوق العادة

When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.
عندما يتكلم القلب يجد العقل أنه لا يلق به أن يعترض

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant person in an argument.
يستحيل ان تتغلب علي الشخص الجاهل في الجدال
[٢١/‏٣ ١٠:٠٢ ص] ‪+967 772 768 279‬: 💟 If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.

💟 Love people who make you smile.

💟 To keep a girl you have to:
1) Keep your promises. 2) Be romantic no matter what.
3) Be honest with her 100% of the time.

💟 Always remember who was there for you when no one else was.

💟 If you dont start appreciating what's right in front of you, you might lose it.

💟 Good relationships don't just happen. They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.

💟 Let love win.

💟 I love you not because I need you; I need you because I love you.

💟 Love, it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free.

💟 You'll never find the RIGHT person if you never let go of the WRONG one.
[٢٢/‏٣ ١١:٢٠ ص] ‪+967 772 768 279‬: ●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•

               CHATTING HALL ✍🏻

We love English:




صح عليك you are right |

أوافقك I agree with you |

بدون شك with no doubt |
✴ #مفردات
مهذب✴ polite

قبيلة✴ tribe

نزف✴ bleed

العملة✴ coin

مخلص✴ loyal

إبرة ✴needle

يقلل من ✴lessen

منصة✴ pad
Difficulties مصاعب 💣

Obstacles عقبات 💨

Exclude إستبعاد 👋

Include يتضمن 👌

Jump into conclusion.
يتسرع في الحكم .

Don t jump into conclusion 💫
لا تتسرع في الحكم.

Failure فشل success نجاح

Humble متواضع haughty متكبر

Rich غني poor فقير

Peaceful مسالم aggressive عدواني

Delicate - ناعم 🌸

Elegant - أنيق 🕴

Exquisite - متقن 👘

Fabulous - رائع 🎩
[٢٢/‏٣ ٦:١٥ م] ‪+967 712 392 066‬: English Materials:
💡 We can use 'should have' to talk about past events that did not happen.

I should have let her know what was happening but I forgot.

He should have sent everybody a reminder by email.

They should have remembered that their guests don't eat pork.

💡 We can also use 'should have' to speculate about events that may or may not have happened.

She should have got the letter this morning. I expect she'll give us a call about it later.

He should have arrived at his office by now. Let's try ringing him.

They should have all read that first email by this stage. It's time to send the next one.

💡 We can use ' should not have'  to speculate negatively about what may or may not have happened.

She shouldn't have left work yet. I'll call her office.

He shouldn't have boarded his plane yet. We can probably still get hold of him.

They shouldn't have sent the report off for printing yet. There is still time to make changes.

💡 We can also use 'should not have'  to regret past actions.

I shouldn't have shouted at you. I apologise.

We shouldn't have left the office so late. We should have anticipated this bad traffic.

They shouldn't have sacked him. He was the most creative person on their team.
[٢٣/‏٣ ١٢:٣٨ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: أفضل طريقة لتعلم الكلمات الإنجليزية !
1- شاهد هذا الفيديو لمعرفة معانى الكلمات
2- مارس ماتعلمتة من كلمات خلال الإستماع إلى هذة القصة القصيرة
[٢٣/‏٣ ١:٢٣ م] ‪+967 772 768 279‬: 'Relax' Synonyms:

1. Let up: relax one's efforts
(1. أترك كل شيء: إسرتخي من كل الجهود.)

2. Ease off: to free from something that pains, disquiets, or burdens
(2. قلل من مجهودك: أن تستريح من شيء يُؤلم، يُزعج، أو يضع عليك أعباء.)

3. Loosen up: relax one's muscles before taking exercise
(3. تخفف: أن تريح عضلاتك قبل البدأ في التمرن.)

4. Calm down: become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation
(4. أن تهدئ: أن تصير هادئاً أو ساكناً، خاصة بعد حالة من الهيجان.)

5. Chill out: to relax instead of worrying or feeling anxious
(5. أن تهدئ أعصابك: أن تسترخي بدل من القلق أو الشعور بالهم.)

6. Lie down: a short rest in which one lies down on a bed, sofa, etc.
(6. أن تستلقي: إستراحة قصرة خلالها يستلقي المرء على سرير، أريكة، إلخ.)

7. Take time out: a period of time when you stop what you usually do and you rest or do something else instead
(7. أن تأخذ إستراحة: فترة من الزمن حينها تتوقف عما تفعله و تستريح أو تفعل شيئاً آخر بدله.)

8. Sit back: to rest in a comfortable position
(8. الإسترخاء: أن تجلس في وضع مريح.)
[٢٣/‏٣ ٥:٣٠ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: Mastering spelling

Spelling is one of the hardest parts of learning English language because of the huge difference between letters and sounds. To be able to spell a word correctly,  you need to consider these tips:

1. When memorizing a new word: look at it carefully. Consider each and every letter.

2.Break it down into it's basic constituents. For example: the word "international". Its root(basic constituent) is "nation". So, inter- and -al are infixes. Now it becomes easier for you to memorize the spelling of the word international after having known that it consists of three parts.

3.Think of a similar word in English. E.g: "notion" is similar to our word "nation". It is easier for us to learn when we make comparisons; therefore, comparing nation to notion helps us to remember its spelling.

4.Close your eyes and imagine the letters one by one. Sometimes we memorize the words while we think about other stuff. We might look at the word and say it out, but our mind is busy thinking about another issue. Consequently, closing our eyes and imagining the word would absolutely help solving this obstacle and keep the mind present.

5. Spell it aloud letter by letter.
You might be asked about the spelling of a word when you don't have a chance to write it down. You will be coerced to spell it out then. spelling out the words is difficult because the mind gets busy with two processes: speaking and thinking of the word's spelling simultaneously. But you will have no problem if you have already trained yourself by spelling out the words letter by letter.

6. You need to understand some basic rules for spelling. For instance, we use 'ie' except before 'c'. we use 'ei' as in believe, achieve, chief, etc and conceive, receive, ceiling, etc.
Remember: there are always exceptions like seize.

7. Memorize the words as smaller chunks. It's hard to remember long words that include silent and doubled letters. But when we divide such words into smaller parts it becomes easier. For instance, the word millennium can be divided as mill.enn.ium.

8. When you make a mistake in spelling, go and check it up in the dictionary instantly, for we learn better from our mistakes.

Applying these steps, you will be able to remember the spelling of words easily. It might be hard to apply them, but this is natural because everything is hard in the beginning.

Expect amazing lessons, tips, and information next time. Kindly, share and invite.

[٢٣/‏٣ ٩:٣٢ م] ‪+967 712 392 066‬: Difference Between “How About?” And “What About?”

“What about…?” and “How about…?” are very similar, but there is a slight difference.

Use “How About?” To Suggest An Action And To “Open” Possibilities:

“I’ve got the day off from work tomorrow. What should we do?”
“How about spending the day in the city?”
“Nah. I don’t really feel like traveling.”
“How about we clean the house?”
“No way. I want to do something fun.”
“OK. How about doing some shopping and then seeing a movie?”
“Hmm… that sounds good!”

In this conversation, “How about…?” is use to suggest various possibilities of actions.

“How about…” can be followed by the -ing form of the verb OR by a pronoun and infinitive (“How about we clean…”)

Use “What About?” To Mention An Objection Or A Potential Problem:

“Let’s spend the weekend in the city!”
“But what about my guitar lesson on Saturday?”
“That’s no problem, just talk with the teacher and reschedule it.”
“And what about the English test on Monday? I haven’t studied yet.”
“You can study on Sunday night when we get back.”

In this conversation, “What about…” is used to express a negative point or a potential problem with the plan or idea. After “What about…” there is a noun (“my guitar lesson” and “the English test”)

“How About You?” And “What About You?” Are Both Correct!

“How have you been?”
“Good – a little busy with school. How about you?”

“Where do you work?”
“At the local university. What about you?”

In this case, How about you? and What about you? are asking the same question back to the other person.
[٢٤/‏٣ ٦:٤٤ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: *Asking and expressing opinions*
*السؤال والتعبير عن الرأي.*


~ *I think this is the best lesson .*
~ *أعتقد أن هذا هو أفضل درس.*

~ *I don't think this is the best lesson .*
~ *لا أعتقد أن هذا هو أفضل درس.*

~ *Personally , I think this lesson was very good .*
~ *شخصيًا ، أعتقد أن  هذا الدرس كان جيد جدًا .*

~ *In my  opinion , we should ...*
~ *برأيي ، يجب علينا ...*

~ *In my point of view , ......*
~ *من وجهة نظري ، ....*

~ *It's a good idea.*
~ *إنها فكرة جيدة.*

~ *What do you think ?*
~ *ماذا تعتقد ؟*

~ *I think that ..*
~ *أعتقد أن ..*

~ *I think so .*
~ *أعتقد ذلك .*

~ *I don't think so .*
~ *لا أعتقد ذلك .*

~ *I hope so .*
~ *آمل ذلك .*

~ *I hope not .*
~ *لا آمل ذلك .*

~ *You are right .*
~ *أنت محق/ ــة .*

~   *You are wrong .*
~ *أنت مخطئ/ ــة*.

~ *I don't mind .*
~ *لا مانع لدي .*

~ *It's up to you .*
~ *الأمر عائد إليك .*

~ *That depends .*
~ *ذلك يعتمد .*

~ *That's interesting .*
~ *ذلك مثير للاهتمام .*

~ *That's funny,...*
~ *ذلك مضحك .*

~ *Same as usual .*
~ *نفس الشيء أو كالعادة .*

~ *Not much .*
~ *ليس كثيرًا .*

~ *Not alot .*
~ *ليس كثيرًا .*
[٢٤/‏٣ ٦:٤٦ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: 🔥 لا يوجد كلمة في اللغة الإنجليزية تحتوي على الحرف Q

إلا و تبعـه الحرف U 🔥

*بإستثناء أسماء الناس والدول والشركات وهكذا*

#أمثلة :

1⃣ Quit
2⃣ Quite
3⃣ Quiet

4⃣ Queen
5⃣ Quick
6⃣ Question

7⃣ Mosque
8⃣ Unique
9⃣ Equal
🔟 Earthquake
[٢٤/‏٣ ٦:٤٦ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: عبارات تستخدم عادة للأمنيات:-

Get well soon 
سلامات/اتمنى لك الشفاءالعاجل

Have a good trip.
رحلة موفقة
[٢٤/‏٣ ٦:٤٦ م] ‪+967 735 707 169‬: Essay writing made simple: Write 3,000 words a day with these 5 simple tips.

Order an outline of your assignment (you can order just 500 words for a 3000 word assignment).

Sometimes a push in the right direction is all you need to get the ball rolling. A professional opinion on how you should outline your work is a perfect way to get started on an assignment. An outline will even help you find the right books in the library!

Read your outline thoroughly; go for a short walk to let it sink in.

The best thing about an outline is that it will give you direction but will also provide you a framework in which you can apply your own knowledge. Taking a short walk after reading your outline gives you time to clear your head and begin to contemplate how you might fit all that specific lecture and seminar based knowledge into your assignment.

Come back to it, visit sources that were provided to get improve knowledge.

Before you sit down to write the work, take a look at the key sources as suggested in the outline.  Our writers have identified the most important sources in your subject area to save you the time, hassle and worry of wondering whether you have the right source material. Familiarise yourself with these sources and you’ll have a brilliant head start on your peers.

Put everything aside and start writing your work. Create a structure.

Create a structure for your essay. Make sure that you understand what the key points you want to make are and where you want to make them.  Once you have the points down on the page, just write! Write down as much as possible for each and every point you have made, don’t worry about the word count because that comes next.

Edit, edit, edit.

You have surprised yourself by how quickly you have managed to write your essay, that’s brilliant! The problem is now that you have 4,000 words for a 3,000 word assignment. The good thing is that editing is easy, just make sure you always have your structure in mind and that the information you are choosing to keep is directly related to the original question!

Most people believe that writing the main body of the essay is the part which takes longest when completing an assignment, we disagree. Getting started in the right place is essential; once you know where to begin an essay the writing takes no time at all! Good luck with your deadlines!

Our services are to be used for research and reference purposes only: http://www.ivoryresearch.com/
[٢٤/‏٣ ٨:١٢ م] ‪+966 50 270 7701‬: re‧spect1 /rɪˈspekt/ noun

#admiration [uncountable] a feeling of admiring someone or what they do, especially because of their personal qualities, knowledge, or skills ➔ admiration
respect for#

I have the greatest respect for Jane’s work.
#consideration [uncountable] the belief that something or someone is important and should not be harmed, treated rudely etc OPP disrespectrespect for#

Out of respect for the wishes of her family, the affair was not reported in the media.

The boys showed a complete lack of respect for authority.

with respectYour mother should be treated with respect.
#with (the greatest) respect/with (all) due respect spoken formal say this before disagreeing with someone when you want to be polite#

With respect, I think you’re wrong.

for danger [singular, uncountable] a careful attitude towards something or someone that could be dangerous
respect for

My fear turned into a respect for the sea.

#People should have a healthy respect for alcohol (=a sensible careful attitude towards it).#
#in one respect/in some respects etc used to say that something is true in one way, in some ways etc#

In many respects the new version is not as good as the old one.

Mum is very stubborn, and Kim takes after her in that respect.

#greetings respects [plural] formal polite greetings give/send your respects (to somebody)#

Give my respects to your wife.

#pay your respects (to somebody) British English (=make a polite visit)#

I’ve come to pay my respects to Mrs O'Hara.


#pay your last respects (to somebody) to go to someone’s funeral #

#in respect of something formal concerning or in relation to something
This is especially true in respect of the UK.#

#with respect to something formal #

a) concerning or in relation to something

the freedom of a property owner to make a contract with respect to his property

b) used to introduce a new subject, or to return to one that has already been mentioned

With respect to your request, I am not yet able to agree.

respect2 verb [transitive]

#[not in progressive] to admire someone because they have high standards and good qualities such as fairness and honesty ➔ admire► see THESAURUS at ADMIRE respect somebody for (doing) something#

She respected him for his honesty.

I respect his views, although I do not agree with them.

#to be careful not to do anything against someone’s wishes, rights etc► see THESAURUS at OBEY#

She said she wanted to leave, and her father respected her wishes.

I would like you to respect my privacy.

the need to respect human rights

#to not break a rule or law#

The president is expected to respect theconstitution.