الخميس، 16 نوفمبر 2017

نشاء الوحدة الرابعة للصف الثاني متوسط – النشاط صفحة 61 Test  - C- Writing  

انشاء الوحدة الرابعة للصف الثاني متوسط – النشاط صفحة 61 Test  - C- Writing  

1-اكتب قطعة انشائية حوالي (80 ) كلمة في احد المواضيع التالية :-
1-التغيرات في مدينتك منذ خمس سنوات :-
Changes in your town since five years ago 
My town is called AL-Zohor city. I left it five years ago , but last week , I went there . It had changed too much. There used to be a main square where we used to play football . Now it becomes a bus station it is so crowded. They had built a lot of new buildings and malls.
We used to have an old market with small shops, but now we have modern supermarkets and 3D cinema. It becomes so modern and very nice. My town is so beautiful now.

2-التغيرات في حياتك منذ ان بدأت ممارسة  رياضة جديدة او هواية جديدة . Changes in your life since you started a new sport or hobby .
I started playing football three years ago . It has  changed  my life. I used to be very shy , but now I'm very confident .   I didn’t use to have friends , but now I have  a lot of  friends . I used to be afraid of competitions and exams. Now I really enjoy competing against other people and I hate losing .
The most important thing which made me surprise that my health is better now. I used to be very unhealthy and unfit. I couldn’t run very fast and I was often ill.
Now I'm much stronger and fitter. Football really changed my life .


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